Spatial and temporal patterns of recruitment of intertidal invertebrates along the U.S. West coast
B.R. Broitman, C.A. Blanchette, B.A. Menge, J. Lubchenco, P.A. Raimondi, C. Krenz, M. Foley, D. Lohse and S.D. Gaines
Publication in Ecological Monographs

All data corresponds to larval collectors deployed by PISCO on exposed rocky shores and located on the mid intertidal zone across a grand total of 26 sites Along the U.S. West coast from central Oregon to southern California. The data covers a total of 9 years of monthly field monitoring with the earliest time series beggining January 1997 and the latest ending December 30, 2005.

Left panel: collection dates of larval collectors at all sites between January 1st, 1997 and December 30, 2005. Right panel: location of all larval recruitment monitoring locations along the U.S. West coast. Names and locations of all larval recruitment locations

The plots below show the time series of monthly means and recruitment climatologies expressed as the number of individuals per tuffy/plate per day. The raw time series of monthly recruitment pisco (plots on the left) were calculated as the average of all availabe tuffies/plates recovered at the end of each month. In the case of recruitment climatologies (plots on the right), monthly standardized anomalies were averaged to estimate the long-term anomaly during each month of the year.

Monthly recruitment rate time seriesRecruitment rate climatologies

To study the phase-match between the annual cycle in AVHRR sea surface temperature (SST) we conducted Kendall τ correlations between recruitment rates of A)Mytilus, B)Balanus and C)Chthamalus on the month prior to the deployment of larval collectors (Fig. A). To examine associations between recruitment events and anomalous monthly SST conditions, correlations were conducted between the long-term anomalies in SST and recruitment (Fig. B). Filled symbols indicate Kendall's τ correlations that are significantly different from zero after 10000 bootstrap estimations of the correlation between SST and recruitment rates

A. Monthly recruitment rates and SST B.Monthly recruitment rate anomalies and SST anomalies

Last modified: January 23, 2008
Bernardo R. Broitman